What does the Bible teach us?
The local church meeting at the York Street Gospel Hall is a fellowship of baptised believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. We do not belong to a denomination or sect, but meet in His name alone, seeking to own the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and being answerable to Him and not any religious authority.
We believe that the Bible is, word-by-word, the inspired Word of God. The Bible is God’s complete revelation to us of Himself, and the final authority for faith and practice. We seek simply to follow its teaching and gather following the pattern of the early New Testament churches.
2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21 ; 1 Timothy 3:15
The Godhead
- that there is one God, Who eternally exists in three distinct but equal Persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Matthew 3:16-17 ; Matthew 28:19 ; Psalm 90:2 ; John 1:1-2 ; Hebrews 9:14
- that the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, came to Earth in human form, miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary; that it was impossible for Him to sin; that His teaching was infallible; that He is truly God and truly Man
Luke 1:34-35 ; 1 John 3:5 ; Mark 1:22 ; 1 Timothy 3:16
The Gospel
- that because of the sin of the first man Adam, every man, woman, and child is thoroughly sinful by nature, and that it is impossible for us to be saved by our own works or religious observances
Romans 3:23 ; Romans 5:12 ; Ephesians 2:8-9
- that on the cross at Calvary, the Lord Jesus Christ completely and eternally paid the penalty for sin, through the shedding of His blood; and that anyone who repents and rests in faith on the Lord Jesus Christ is immediately and eternally saved
1 Peter 1:18-19 ; Acts 20:21 ; John 5:24
- that God showed His acceptance of the Lord Jesus’ work on the cross by raising Him from the dead, showing Him to many disciples, and seating Him at His own right hand in heaven; and that in heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ represents His people as their Intercessor, Great High Priest and Advocate
1 Corinthians 15:5-8 ; Romans 8:34 ; Hebrews 8:1 ;1 John 2:1
The Work of the Holy Spirit
- that the Holy Spirit brings about conviction and conversion of the sinner, and sanctification of the believer whom He indwells from conversion – teaching, leading, and empowering for service
John 16:13-14 ; Ephesians 1:13 ; 1 Corinthians 6:19
The Priesthood of all Believers
- that all Christians are priests to God and have an equal and divine right to draw near to God in the holiest, and to offer up spiritual sacrifices; and that this is completely apart from any human authorisation or ordination
1 Peter 2:5
The Church
- that there is one universal Church, referred to as the Body of Christ, composed of all those, from Pentecost to the Rapture, who accept by faith Jesus as Saviour and confess Him as Lord; that Christ alone is the Head of the Body, the Church
Ephesians 1:22-23 ; 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 ; Colossians 1:18
- that the local assembly or church is an expression of the whole Body, and that believers in a local company should gather only in the name of the Lord Jesus
Romans 12:5 ; Matthew 18:20 ; Acts 2:42
- that the Holy Spirit appoints elders to care for the local church; and that these shepherds are answerable to the Lord, the Chief Shepherd
Acts 20:17,28 ; 1 Peter 5:4
- that at the Lord’s command, all true believers in the Lord Jesus should be baptised (by full immersion in water), in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; and that baptism should be only for those who are true believers in the Lord Jesus
Matthew 28:19 ; Acts 2:38 ; Acts 2:41 ; Acts 8:36-38
- that on conversion, all true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ should be baptised by full immersion in water, thus showing their identification with His death, burial and resurrection
Matthew 28:19 ; Acts 2:38 ; Acts 2:41 ; Acts 8:36-38 ; Rom 6:3-4
The Lord’s Supper
- that at the Lord’s command, and following the custom of the early churches, we should meet on the first day of the week to remember the Lord in the eating of the bread and drinking of the cup; and that participation in this, the Lord’s Supper, is for true believers in the Lord Jesus only
Acts 20:17,28 ; 1 Peter 5:4
The Lord’s Return
- that the Lord Jesus Christ will return to the air to Rapture (snatch away to heaven) His redeemed people
1 Thessalonians 4:16 ; 1 Corinthians 15:51-52
- that subsequently, He will return in glory to the earth, to judge the world and set up His Kingdom
Revelation 19:11-16